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Island D. Automotive Machine Conditions of Sale and Warranty

1. Island D Automotive Machine Ltd. (“Island D) warrants, to the original purchaser (the “Customer”) only, that engine rebuilding work performed by Island D's personnel (“Workmanship”) is free from defects, providing that Island D's work product is engaged only in normal use and service and is maintained in accordance with OEM instructions and manuals.

2. In respect of private-use passenger cars and light trucks, Island D warrants its Workmanship for the first-occuring of one year or 20,000 km, and in respect of commercial vehicles, the first-occurring of six months or 20,000 km. The warranty period runs from date of invoice; on expiration of the specified period, Island D's liability under this warranty terminates absolutely. Warranty applies to the original period only and does not cover loss or damage to, or caused by, Workmanship provided without charge or to address a previous warranty claim. 

3. New parts installed by Island D are, for the period specified by Island D’s parts supplier (the “Supplier”), covered exclusively by the Supplier's warranty. Copies of the Suppliers’ warranty statements are available from Island D on request. In case of a claim, Island D will assign the Supplier's warranty to the Customer and will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Supplier complies with its warranty obligations. Customer's Parts-in-service-installed by Isand D will be first inspected and qualified by Island D in accordance with reasonable and usual industry practice. Island D will not be responsible for subsequent insufficient performance or failure of such reinstalled parts. 

4. It is a precondition for warranty coverage that Island D's invoice be paid in full. Post-Island D installation and adjustment of all engine peripherals and of the engine assembly must be done by government-certified mechanics. Island D will not cover damage caused or contributed to by fault in these installations. The Customer must report any problem to Island D immediately on becoming aware of it and must, at the Customer’s expense, return the product to Island D within 30 days of the appearance of the problem. The product must be returned complete and in as-failed condition: it must not have been dismantled, partially dismantled, or altered from its as-failed condition. Heat tabs have not been removed. Complete maintenance records and ECM download must be included with return. Warranty repair or replacement, at Island D's discretion, will be provided, at Island D's facility, on the basis of Island D’s determination of eligibility for coverage. No cash refunds will be provided. Except with Island D's written prior approval. Island D will not pay for repairs made by others. Island D will not be responsible for its work product where that has been in any way modified by others. Island D's liability under this warranty is limited to the cost of materials and labour to repair a defect in Workmanship up to, at a maximum, the amount of Island D's original invoice. 

5. This warranty does not cover: downtime, renting machinery replacement or other consequential costs; towing charges: overtime labour; dyno test costs; fluids, filers, hoses or other service items; loss occurring to a product as to which there has been made any modification of the engine or of its OEM performance characteristics, of Island D's work or of such installation characteristics as could affect engine performance; loss resulting from installation error; abuse, accident or failure to maintain; progressive damage resulting from continued operation after occurrence of an event covered by warranty; product used in any race or speed trial; personal injury or death to any person; repairs made to Customer's specifications rather than according to OEM' specification and tolerances; travel time and all travel-related charges. It is a precondition for warranty coverage for marine propulsion machinery that Island D be present for start-up and for all operation of its work product through to successful sea trial and release by Island D. Warranty period for fresh-water-cooled marine propulsion engines is the first-occurring of 6 months or 100 hours from date of invoice. There is no warranty whatever for raw-water cooled engines. 

6. Work performed by a contractor to Island D (the "Contractor”) is, for only the period specified by the Contractor, covered by only the Contractor’s warranty. In case of claim, Island D will assign the Contractor’s warranty to the Customer, and will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the Contractor complies with is warranty obligations. 

7. This document states Island D's entire warranty; it describes the entire obligation and liability of Island D, to the exclusion of all other warranties and conditions of sale, whether express, statutory or implied, arising from law, equity, or any other source, including, without limitation, any condition or warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 

8. This transaction and this warranty are subject to and shall be construed by and in accordance with the laws of British Columbia. British Columbia law courts, including BCCRT, shall provide the sole forum for resolution of any dispute which may arise in connection with this transaction or this warranty. 

9. We will make reasonable effort to contact you when Island D's services have been completed and your property is ready for pick up. You acknowledge and agree that if, despite our efforts to contact you, you fail to pick up your ‘property or otherwise arrange for its return for more than sixty (60) days, or other longer period as required by law, following the completion of Island D services, your property will be deemed abandoned and will become Island D's property, subject to all applicable provisions of law. In such an event, Island D may dispose of or otherwise utilize the abandoned property in Island D's sole discretion in accordance with applicable provisions of law, including sale of the abandoned property, proceeds of which may be used to recoup administrative and repair costs.


  • Warranty is non-transferable.

  • Low fluid conditions, and any resulting damage are not covered under this warranty.

  • Engines section of this warranty damage resulting from towing above manufacturers GVWR, are not covered by this warranty.

  • Flat tappet camshaft failure resulting from improper break in procedures or failure to use correct engine oil rated for flat tappet camshafts, is not covered by warranty 

  • Improper calibration or tuning, may result in failures not covered under this warranty. 

  • Competition, performance, or race use, and resulting damages from such, including, and not limited to drag or track

  • Racing, sled pulling, street or strip etc., including off‐roading conditions are not covered under this warranty.

  • This warranty is void to any product deemed to have been abused, altered, damaged, fractured, improperly installed, improperly repaired, in lack of required maintenance or tampered with because of accident or neglect, by the owner or any agent/tech of the owner.

  • Warranty is void on marine engines if the risers and manifolds are not replaced, need proof of purchase. Warranty is void if the carburetor and distributor are not tested/ rebuilt, with proof/ receipt. The engine failed due to an issue, all of these items are common failure points of an engine.

  • IDAM is not liable for any assembly issues, including but not limited to those arising from incorrect installation or measurement discrepancies. The customer is fully responsible for verifying all final measurements and ensuring compatibility with specified components. For example, if IDAM has ground the crankshaft and the customer installs oversized bearings that do not conform to specifications (e.g., thicker than the correct size), causing the crankshaft to seize or fail to turn, IDAM will not be held responsible for these issues.




  • IDAM will not be liable for any expense claim resulting from consequential, indirect, or special damages that may arise under the provisions of this warranty. This includes expenses related to towing & recovery, rental car, lodging, travel, etc.

  • IDAM is not liable for any experienced or possible loss of income. This includes employment income, self‐employment income or any commercial loss. We sell remanufactured engine and components ‐ not ‘Income Assurance’ insurance. 

  • IDAM is not liable for Re and Re of engine and freight to get the engine to IDAM.

  • IDAM is not liable for progressive damage to engine. e.g water getting into cylinders and rusting up cylinder walls from sitting.

  • We pay $75.00 labour rate per hour, On complete Long blocks, based on the Mitchell Labour guide. To a Max $2500.00 - Does not include shop supplies or fluids. Does not apply to marine engines and Industrial engines.

  • Installed for $0.00 – IDAM warrantable labour is $0.00.  DIY Installation – No shop labour rate coverage. 



Damage caused by the following will void warranty


  • Not using API certified engine oil and following recommended service intervals 

  • Unauthorized operation or alteration from OEM specifications 

  • Incorrect installation or incorrect application 

  • Accessory failure; injector or injector pump failure, carburetor, distributor (failed or poor‐quality components)

  • Engine dusting, melted or cracked pistons due to injectors or tuning.

  • Damage due to overheating from cooling system failure, towing excessive weight, fan or fan clutch failure.

  • Damage caused by external failures (transmission, computer, engine mounts, harmonic damper etc.). 

  • Oil, coolant, fuel, or any fluid contamination  

  • Fuel quality and condition. 

  • Not following IDAM maintenance specifications, or providing maintenance records from a licensed facility.   

  • Failure to inspect all intake, vacuum line, charge air and PCV systems for leaks and or improper function.

  • Customer supplied parts, new or used and any damage resulting from the use of said parts.

  • Opening engine, without permission from IDAM

  • Overheating or melted heat tabs or heat tabs being removed.

  • Progressive damage including but not limited to Diesel Particulate Filter, filters, radiators, air compressors, or any parts not supplied on the Purchased Unit.

  • Damage resulting from Pre-Ignition or Detonation including but not limited to melted or broken piston, broken piston rings, damaged cylinder heads, leaking head gaskets, etc.

       For more information regarding pre-ignition and detonation please contact us directly.

  • Repair or replacement of any accessory or service item, including specifically but not limited to: all components of the cooling, fuel, electrical and ignition systems in addition to all belts, hoses and filters.

  • Any product to which a device or accessory not conforming to the original manufacturer’s specifications has been installed.

  • Crankshaft Thrust Surface worn due to excessive forward pressure placed on the rear of the crankshaft. 

  • Damage resulting from improper repair(s) or attempted repair(s) by any service technician.

  • Leaking carburetors, clogged fuel pipes, sticking valves, or other damage, caused by using contaminated or stale fuel.

  • Repair or adjustment of associated parts or assemblies such as clutches and transmissions.

  • Proof of proper maintenance is the owner’s responsibility. Keep all receipts and be prepared to make them available if questions arise about maintenance.





Phone:  250-758-2333

We would love to see you as a part of our Automotive Machine Community

Unit 1 2210 Wilgress Road, Nanaimo, B.C.

V9S 4N4

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Mon- Fri:  8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

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